Monday, January 30, 2017

In Other News (no.2)

It was a week of Executive Orders! I find that it's much more informing when you do the research, yourself. As opposed to always reading the major headlines that the media puts out there. I've compiled a list of links that contain files of the actual orders:

Regarding Mexico City Policy (funding for overseas abortions) -
-Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Proctection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal -
Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals for High Priority Infrastructure Projects -

In other news - We took a family road trip, this weekend, to visit some friends in Jonesboro, AR.
Our close family friends, Parks & Nicole, moved there a little over a year ago. They recently bought a home there and it was our first time seeing it. As you get older and start your family, friends tend to come and go - these two have always been around! It's nice to be able to have some great friends that we can just visit and have a good time with. Not to mention, Jude adores them. He had a great time! They have a dog that is just about his size. I'm pretty sure, after we left, both Jude and the dog were ready for a nap.

What do you always take on road trips?
Prior to taking a road trip, I always make a list of things to bring. Some trips, I over pack and our car is too full. Other times, I'm less last minute and am able to whittle down the list. For this particular over night trip, we brought with us our overnight bag for clothes and toiletries, Jude's back pack full of his snacks and his pull-ups, Jude's favorite Razorback blanket, his bike, his travel box of cars, one book to read at bedtime, and his Disney Cars movie. I consider that to be light packing. Of course, we did have to stop, on the way, to get a bag of teriyaki beef jerky and a few drinks. But what's life without a little spontaneity? Haha.

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