Monday, February 6, 2017

In Other News (no.3)

It was the Patriots vs. the Falcons, in Super Bowl LI, this past Sunday! Who did you cheer on? We aren't big about the NFL (we tend to watch more college ball), but we usually always tune in to the Super Bowl, at least for the commercials and the half-time performance. I was a bit timid about watching the commercials, this year, though. Of course it had already been said, by the media, that companies would be pushing their political views, through the themes of their commercials - and they most definitely did. There were a few, however, that I really enjoyed:

The "Ragged Old Flag" pre-game short clip was by far the best, in my opinion! The short came together at the direction of Fox Sports president, Eric Shanks. The director, Jennifer Pransky, used a well-known Johnny Cash song, "Ragged Old Flag", to partially narrate the clip. For me, it symbolized what we have overcome as a nation and it put out a message of unity. Our flag represents our country, as well. Take notice to the clips of people burning it and damaging it, then listen closely to the words that follow. The fact that Eric Shanks gave up a few million dollars, in advertising commercials, to create this says a lot. Here is a link to some behind the scenes footage and a recording of the short-film.

Over the last decade, or so, we've seen Super Bowl half-time performers like Phil Collins, Aerosmith, Mary J. Blige, U2 (eye-roll), Janet Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Nelly, Paul McCartney, The Rolling Stones, Prince, Tom Petty, Black Eyed Peas, Bruno Mars, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Missy Elliot, and Coldplay. After last years' controversial performance, by Beyonce, it was nice to see that this year's performer (a left-wing artist) kept her political views subtle. Lady Gaga performed the National Anthem at last years' Super Bowl. It's no secret that she is Hilary fan. It's no secret that I am not. I am, however, a Gaga fan! Regarding her National Anthem performance, last year: If you ask me, I'd say that she rocked it - dressed in red sequins, with royal blue nail polish, she didn't miss a beat. So I had no arguments with her being this year's Super Bowl half-time performer. The left-wing is complaining that she didn't do enough to publicly bash President Trump, while she had a platform. The right-wing has argued that her reciting of "This Land Is Your Land" was in protest of the Immigration Ban. How people cherry pick things like that, I'll never understand. I didn't mind or see it that way. I saw an amazing singer recite "God Bless America", "This Land Is Your Land", and "The Pledge of Allegiance" before performing her own hits. No matter her political stance, that's one patriotic broad ! If that's something that you feel the need to complain over, no matter your political side - then you all need a saftey pin. She looked great, she didn't dance like a vulgar/sloppy Miley Cyrus, she actually sang the entire thing, and she didn't put on a controversial spectacle. I'll watch her perform any day!

In other news - We had a pretty nice weekend! Most Fridays, we are lazy - we have a "fun" dinner, we let Jude stay up later, and we watch a television show or movie together.  Of course that was the case, this past Friday, too. Friday evenings are our time to wind down and sometimes prepare for the busyness of Saturday and Sunday.

On Saturday we did our bi-weekly grocery trip, nothing too dramatic that I can recall (when you grocery shop at Walmart, that's saying something). Later that evening we attended the Eric Church #HoldinMyOwnTour concert, in Little Rock, with my younger brother and my cousin-in-law. It was an awesome show! We have been to a lot of concerts, in our day - Eric Church was one of the better performers, for sure. It's always nice when an artist sounds the same live as they do on the radio and to know that they aren't lip singing. We decided to leave just a little bit early, to fight the exit crowd, but he played for a total of four hours. It was great - his band and his backup singer were just as awesome. Great seats! Great show! Great company! The only thing that would've made it better... if the Verizon Arena wouldn't have cut off the beer, barely two hours into the four hour show. Some deals were made, that is for sure. We made a quick stop, before heading home, at one of the Capital's local watering holes - Willy D's - piano bar and small dance club. I'm always down for a good "sing-along" show, especially when one of the house singers puts on a beanie and raps Eminem's "Lose Yourself". Of course, we didn't make it out of there without witnessing a few fights - you know when a man takes his shirt off, it's about to get real.

My parents (often referred to as "Papa and Poppit") volunteered to watch Jude, overnight, while we were at the concert! Jude has a mind-clock, just like we do. It's not very often that we get to sleep in - so that was fabulous. Luckily, the weather was beautiful on Sunday and Jacob finished up some work for his side job - trimming greenery in Little Rock. I went to pick up Jude and had lunch with my family. Yet another great meal, prepared by my mom! This week it was a shrimp and chicken pasta with peppers, green beans, bread, and a coconut pie. The highlight: Carciofi (kahr/tchoh/fee - but we pronounce them kahr/tchoh/flee). These are stuffed artichokes and they are heavenly! I'll get my mother's recipe posted at a later date - but here is an online recipe, for anyone itching to try it.

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