Thursday, February 16, 2017

In Other News (no.4)

The media's weekend highlight - The Grammy's
It was not something that we even thought about watching (especially since the season premiere of The Walking Dead was on). After the other recent award shows and acceptance speeches, I've had my fill. I hated missing the Alabama Shakes perform, though - we have seen them perform live and they're incredible.

Apparently the most coveted award, at any music award show, is the "album of the year". At least it always seems to cause the most controversy. This year's winner - Adele, for her album "25". Pretty sure most of the world knows the lyrics to her song "Hello" - hello from the other siiiiiiiiide (if you didn't sing that in your head, then I am thoroughly disappointed).

Of course there always has to be some type of dramatic episode, so that there is a huge Grammy headline for the following morning. This year: Adele vs. Beyonce. Why is it that Beyonce's name is literally in every award show controversy? She didn't win that award. Get over it, people. She won other awards that night and has won plenty of awards in the past. I'll listen to her music, but there's no way I'm joining that wretched "beehive" - bashing Adele (and many other female artists) for her accomplishments. Isn't that strange? All of  these Beyonce fans are so empowered by her stance on feminism and equality, yet they spend their days bashing other women and diminishing their accomplishments? They can buzzzz off.

In case you want to decide for yourself:
Adele "25":
Beyonce "Lemonade":

In other news - I hope that everyone had a nice Valentines weekend! We started ours off with family, friends, and the "Valentines Man". For those of you who don't know - Valentines Man gives a knock at the door and leaves candy for the kiddos. This was our second year to do this, with my goddaughter and her family, and Jude loved it. We enjoyed the candy and company too!

The rest of our weekend was pretty uneventful, but still wonderful. The weather was gorgeous, as well. Saturday consisted of all day outside play, with the exception of a quick trip to Shoe Carnival and Old Navy. At some point, a few weekends ago, I managed to lose one of my sneakers - so new shoes were in order. We also ordered the UFC 208 MMA fights, but didn't even make it through the main event (thank goodness for DVR). All three of us were exhausted by 7:00pm.
The nice weather continued into Sunday, which meant all the windows were open in the house! I got all of our closets cleaned out, gave the house a good deep cleaning, got a million loads of laundry done, and we went to my parents for our weekly Sunday lunch. The menu: Homemade Pizza!

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