Thursday, March 9, 2017

DIY - Industrial Shelves

My Hubby is quite the "Crown Connoisseur" and we needed some shelves for his growing collection - so we got crafty! It was simple and inexpensive. The parts can be found in many sizes and finishes.
Here's what you need (all of which can be found at Lowes, Home Depot, or any type of home improvement store):

  • Wood for the shelves
  • Steel Pipes
  • Floor Flanges 
  • Caps
  • Screws

#TBT - Trivia

#TBT - Today's kids will never understand...
The phrase "I gotta go Julia, we got cows!", from the 1996 disaster film, "Twister". The movie starred Bill Paxton (who just recently passed away) and Helen Hunt - Bill and Jo Harding, advanced storm chasers on the brink of divorce, must join together to create an advanced weather alert system by putting themselves in the cross-hairs of extremely violent tornadoes. Also on the cast was the late Philip Seymour Hoffman, who played the comedic role of Dustin Davis.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Ash Wednesday

Of all my years in Catholic schools and all the masses that I've attended, some how I've never been lucky enough to be "first in line"...#AshWednesday

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

In Other News (no.5)

#DayWithoutImmigrants (or A Day Without Immigrants) was a protest and boycott that took place on February 16, 2017. The supposed point of this day was to demonstrate the importance of immigration - and to protest President Trump's plans to build a border wall and to potentially deport millions of illegal immigrants. The strike called for immigrants not to go to work, to avoid spending money, and to keep their children home from school. 

Over 50 restaurants were closed in Washington, D.C. on that day. Others were also closed, across the country, including over 1,000 businesses in Dallas, Texas. However, the L.A Unified School District urged students not to take part in the protest. In the Bay Area, Redwood City School District also asked families to ensure their kids came to school. DC Public Schools sent an email out stating that all staff and students were expected to be in school throughout the day. What was supposed to be a "Day Without Immigrants" turned into "Life Without a Job" for some. Among those - s
ome restaurants fired their workers who did not come into work on that Thursday, 18 people in Nashville, 12 in Catoosa, around 30 in Denver, and 21 were fired from Encore Boat Builders. 

I am just genuinely exhausted from seeing and hearing about all of these protests. I will argue that the Day Without Immigrants protest was one of the more lawful ones (and definitely more peaceful). That is a breath of fresh air! Still, it's just another day for people to get out into the streets and complain. The whole day, I was wondering who actually was out there protesting - actual immigrants or a bunch of caucasian, left-wing "activists"? Hispanics are some of the most hard working people there are. They are about the love of their families and providing for them. I cannot imagine that too many would be willing to risk their jobs to march in the streets.

I also wondered what it was that people were trying to achieve - a happy medium or the freedom to basically do whatever they want? Do I think that all immigrants should be banned from entering our country? No. Do I think that we need more secure borders? Yes. Currently, the majority of immigrant households (legal and/or illegal) use some type of government assistance - whether it be food stamps, medical insurance, student loans, or welfare. Better securing our borders and a better vetting process could help to decrease that number. It would free up jobs for actual citizens - that is if citizens would actually get off their asses and go find those jobs. It would also lessen the hold-up for those who are actually going through the process of becoming a legal citizen. In my opinion, Trump's policies are trying to achieve a happy medium - allow immigrants, but in the correct and lawful way. Our country can no longer be a free-for-all for immigrants, our citizens will suffer - why any citizen would protest that is beyond me. Morality has been issued as a reason, but clearly everyone has a different moral standard.

That being said - I think that it is time to move on, pray for and support our Nation's leader, and find more proficient ways of trying to make change. I think that one of the best ways to do this, is to always remain open minded to the opinions of others around you. If we cannot all work together, we should at least respectively agree to disagree. Our country doesn't have to be as divided as it is now, it shouldn't be. I am always intrigued by the opinions of others, even if they are not similar to mine, and as long as they aren't close-minded themselves. In an effort to better understand the world's take on immigration, I reached out to some of our close friends and a few acquaintances. I asked each of them for a short statement that explains their stance on immigration, the recent protest, and President Trump's stance on the matter. I wanted to share them with readers:   

I am all for people protesting and standing up for what they believe in. As for me, I am Puerto Rican. Therefore, I guess I could say I am blessed to be a part of the United States. However, what the immigrants are going through right now, I feel for them. Honestly, my word of encouragement would just be to stand up for what is right. Keep fighting the fight, because ignorance never wins.

Junior Rodriguez (male/22)

I didn't participate in the “Day Without Immigrants” protest. It was not because it does not affect me, but because people are misinformed. I think the media should stop pushing their opinions down our throats and they should actually do their jobs, which is inform us. Being here illegally does affect U.S. citizens. Instead of dividing ourselves, we would push for laws that would make all those people legal. I agree with Trump when he says he wants all of the “bad guys” out. I have seen it first hand; people in Mexico get involved in the drug world and do disgusting things. Then when things get bad, and their family is danger, they want to flee the country. I lived in Mexico for 2 years and I have seen some people do this, try to escape claiming they are scared. They were not scared when they were getting all that money for stealing and kidnapping. They come here expecting a new beginning, but do not want to face consequences for what they have done. It is not fair for me to have them as my neighbors, when I know they do not care for other people. 
– Anonymous (female/29)

I do understand the importance of immigration and why people would want to protest racial profiling. However, not going to work and keeping your kids from going to school is not the way to go. There are ways of protesting and boycotting, but not in this way
Cedric Mendoza (male/16)

I saw the protest “A Day Without Immigrants” take full force, as thousands of immigrants marched against the well known immigration policies of P
resident Donald Trump. As a proud Mexican, I watched the protest evolve and become a way for immigrants to be heard and noticed. It made a statement that diversity is what makes America great.

-Anonymous (male/24)

We are a very generous country, when it comes to immigration, we always have been.There are many who benefit from that, like my friends that immigrated here from Mexico, legally. But illegal immigrants should never benefit, from breaking our nation's laws.
-Jose Hernandez (male/32)
The sole purpose of "Day without Immigrants" was meant to show the impact immigrants make to this country. Now many Americans might think the protest is a bit absurd since many Americans are not against immigrants, they are against illegal immigrants. I believe that this whole protest would've made a bigger impact if a more immigrants across the country had taken part of the protest . Instead of just one or two major cities across the nation. Now this country pretty much has a give/take relationship with illegal immigrants in this country. Though some might not agree , having a day without immigrants is actually a loss instead of a gain. -Stephanie Bonilla (female/19)
In other news: We had our very own protest supposedly happening, in Conway, Arkansas - over a one dollar hike, on drink prices, at the local dive bar. Bears Den Pizza has been 
around for about 8 years, now. It's is without a doubt the cheapest bar in town, even without running the well-known daily specials. It is probably also the most popular bar in town, as it is adjacent to the city's largest college. Of course it is always full of college-aged kids, freshly legal to drink. If you're above the age of twenty-five, you probably refer to the bar as "The Dirty D" or "The Bear Trap" and occasionally tease those that still live at the bar. However, by 11:00pm on the weekends (and especially on Crawfish Sunday's), you still see customers of all ages and the true "regulars" starting to pour in - the ones who have frequented there since it's opening. Unlike these little kids, that feel the need to protest, we aren't unappreciative or delusional. We are not dumb enough to think that standing on the bar's sidewalk, holding up signs, and whining will change anything. We also just don't care - as the majority of us have jobs, families, better things to do, and could care less about an extra dollar. Again, it is still the cheapest bar in town.  

I've always known the owners and the staff to take care of their good customers. These teeny-boppers who consider themselves regulars (because they hang out there every single night, hardly run a tab, and don't tip the waitresses who have to put up with their immature behavior all night) don't fall into that category. If you want to loiter, go to the Kroger parking lot. If you feel the need to bitch, over a one dollar rise on the price of drinks, you probably shouldn't be out spending your money on alcohol in the first place. Not to mention, if you can't afford that extra dollar, how in the hell are you going to afford your full tab at any other bar? It's not the bar's fault that you don't get enough allowance to cover the increase. Anyone who uses common sense and logical thinking, knows it was a smart business decision - and I promise, that place won't be missing these kids who are on a Bears Den strike. If anything, it has only encouraged those who have always supported the business, to do so even more.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

RSVLTS - The Roosevelts

The Roosevelts is an Americana inspired lifestyle brand - If you're a fan of the 1993 classic film, "The Sandlot", check out The Sandlot Collection from #RSVLTS
Due to my nerdiness and love for the 90's  I went with the "Hambino" button-up, for a summer swimsuit cover-up. Their clothing runs true to size, the material is of good quality, and shipping is super quick!

or browse their webpage:

Usborne Books - Online Party

I'm hosting an online Usborne Books party, through Facebook - next Monday evening, at 8:00pm. If you're interested in browsing their catalog, purchasing some books for your kiddos, or hosting a party of your own - shoot me a PM and I will get you added to the event!
In November, I participated in my first online Usborne Books party. It was super fun and really easy - I even won some prizes! Their books are wonderful and pretty unique. Jude absolutely loves them, especially the "Shine-A-Light" Books (pictured below).

" The future of our world depends on the education of our children. Usborne Books & More delivers educational excellence one book at a time. We provide economic opportunities while fostering strong family values. We touch the lives of children for a lifetime."

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Hambone Soup Recipe

#TBT - Trivia

#TBT - Today's kids will never understand...
Blink-182 : 
One of my favorite bands and I cannot wait to see them, live, in March! Blink-182 is American rock band formed in Poway, California in 1992. The band currently consists of bassist and vocalist Mark Hoppus, drummer Travis Barker, and guitarist and vocalist Matt Skiba. Founded by Hoppus, guitarist and vocalist Tom DeLonge, and drummer Scott Raynor, the band emerged from the Southern California punk scene of the early 1990s and first gained notoriety for high-energy live shows and irreverent lyrical toilet humor. They are better known for their hits: I Miss You, All the Small Things, First Date, What's My Age Again?, She's Out of Her Mind, and more.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

In Other News (no.4)

The media's weekend highlight - The Grammy's
It was not something that we even thought about watching (especially since the season premiere of The Walking Dead was on). After the other recent award shows and acceptance speeches, I've had my fill. I hated missing the Alabama Shakes perform, though - we have seen them perform live and they're incredible.

Apparently the most coveted award, at any music award show, is the "album of the year". At least it always seems to cause the most controversy. This year's winner - Adele, for her album "25". Pretty sure most of the world knows the lyrics to her song "Hello" - hello from the other siiiiiiiiide (if you didn't sing that in your head, then I am thoroughly disappointed).

Of course there always has to be some type of dramatic episode, so that there is a huge Grammy headline for the following morning. This year: Adele vs. Beyonce. Why is it that Beyonce's name is literally in every award show controversy? She didn't win that award. Get over it, people. She won other awards that night and has won plenty of awards in the past. I'll listen to her music, but there's no way I'm joining that wretched "beehive" - bashing Adele (and many other female artists) for her accomplishments. Isn't that strange? All of  these Beyonce fans are so empowered by her stance on feminism and equality, yet they spend their days bashing other women and diminishing their accomplishments? They can buzzzz off.

In case you want to decide for yourself:
Adele "25":
Beyonce "Lemonade":

In other news - I hope that everyone had a nice Valentines weekend! We started ours off with family, friends, and the "Valentines Man". For those of you who don't know - Valentines Man gives a knock at the door and leaves candy for the kiddos. This was our second year to do this, with my goddaughter and her family, and Jude loved it. We enjoyed the candy and company too!

The rest of our weekend was pretty uneventful, but still wonderful. The weather was gorgeous, as well. Saturday consisted of all day outside play, with the exception of a quick trip to Shoe Carnival and Old Navy. At some point, a few weekends ago, I managed to lose one of my sneakers - so new shoes were in order. We also ordered the UFC 208 MMA fights, but didn't even make it through the main event (thank goodness for DVR). All three of us were exhausted by 7:00pm.
The nice weather continued into Sunday, which meant all the windows were open in the house! I got all of our closets cleaned out, gave the house a good deep cleaning, got a million loads of laundry done, and we went to my parents for our weekly Sunday lunch. The menu: Homemade Pizza!

Monday, February 13, 2017

[Q&A] with Katie Doyle Cooley

I'm sure you've all noticed that I'm quite the fan of reality television, due to my recent dedicated blog post. So much, that I am actually one of three admins for a Facebook group, called "Challenge Fans". Yes, I am that nerdy - It's an open forum group where members can discuss MTV's The Challenge and it's affiliated shows (Road Rules, The Real World, and AYTO). The group was started in Aug '16 and already has almost 6,000 members. It's currently the largest and most active group, specifically dedicated to that show. Besides monitoring for assholes and porn links, I've also stepped up as the one admin who reaches out to past cast members. I started doing this in the second week of January - we now have almost fifty past cast-members in the group and I've gotten to do over a dozen Q&A's with some of them as well. It's been fun and extremely interesting, to say the least!

I wanted to share this Q&A, that I did with Katie Cooley, with you all.
Most viewers know her as Katie Doyle, the small and feisty chick from Road Rules: The Quest (2001). She was loud and fun, but never was very athletic - a lot of female viewers looked to her and said "that would be me". At least I always did! She did, however, actually win one season (The Inferno) of The Challenge. Needless to say, she's one of my favorite competitors - so it was very nostalgic and exciting, for me! The fact that she is one of my favorites is not the only reason that I was excited about this Q&A. I've followed Katie, on social media, for some time now and I've noticed that she has quite the eye for interior design! Check out her Q&A, below, to see what all she's been up to since her last Challenge appearance, in 2010:

What is your favorite memory from your original season, MTV's Road Rules: The Quest?
A]: That was by far my favorite show. The experience was unique and new for all of us and we were so excited! It wasn't about strategy, sabotage, betrayal or deceit. We genuinely liked each other and wanted to succeed as a group and win the handsome reward without sacrificing any more cast mates. I loved the mission of us breaking into a castle in Spain. Who gets to do that? And afterwards we were so happy, we went out on the town to celebrate. We would find cool restaurants and sip wine outside and just talk. Road Rules was just a cool show, maybe not as fun to watch (I preferred Real World back then) but definitely more fun to be a cast member on!
Q]: Which season of The Challenge was your favorite and why?
A]: Gauntlet 2 was my favorite. I was actually "real life" friends with everyone on my team and it was the only show I was never sent into an elimination round! I had a lot of fun on that show and felt more relaxed because I knew I was pretty safe. I made it to the end, but we lost (not because of me! Ha). So I looked at it as an extended vacation with my friends and came home with some free swag and a little cash. Other than that, The Inferno is a favorite although I had the opposite experience. My team desperately tried to send me home every challenge but were unsuccessful - but we did win that season. And I helped figure out the puzzle that gave us the lead to win. Overall, I'm not athletic and pretty much did suck at the shows. I never cared as much as the others did and could care less if someone could run faster or eat worms quicker. I generally played a mental game and the producers would laugh because I would predict the moves these transparent idiots made before they made them. Haha.
Q]: Could you give us a little bit more insight into what all you've been up to, since your last appearance on the show?
A]: Since my last show, I moved from Chicago to Kentucky to finish my bachelors degree. I graduated from the University of Kentucky and am a Finance Manager for a media production company. Since I also love decorating and all houses, I'm also a licensed real estate agent. This year, I'll continue working on my CMA to gain expertise and professional advancement.

I also married my sweet husband 3 years ago and we have a 1.5 year old beautiful baby girl. We bought a house a few years ago that we are actually putting on the market this spring because we are building our custom dream home! I am beyond excited about picking out every single detail and design element.

Design and decor are a passion of mine and the company I work for actually hired me to design our 14,000+ sq foot office space. It was a huge undertaking as we renovated an entire building and I chose each detail, handled the project management and hired all the contractors. I'm also considering starting my own online design business later this year.

Overall, I'm good with numbers and decorating - not eating bugs or leaping off cliffs. Haha. I enjoyed my 20's, having crazy experiences, but I'm most proud of my family and the life I've built since I have left the reality tv world. I'm grateful for my opportunities but I prefer earning my income the old fashioned way-with respect, dignity and credentials.
Q]: What was it that kept you coming back to film The Challenge? And what ultimately made you decide against it?
A]: I went on them initially because they were fun, I was in an exotic location and everything was on MTV's dime. We used to have a lot more freedom - access to phones, computers, books and music. We could leave the house at free will and actually experience the culture around us, but they took that away and then it was...nothing. You sit in some giant house with 30 people and have absolutely nothing to do. That breeds drama and resentment. People are so unbelievably bored, they start arguing or picking on each other. At that point, you wish there were two challenges a day just to speed the show along. And the food was disgusting and never enough for everyone in the house, not the good stuff anyway. And it was repetitive at that point. Same cast members, same challenges, same concept (Oh! But with a "twist"!) and the same winners. But that's not the reason I really stopped, that's just when they stopped being fun.

Truthfully, I wasn't happy with the direction my life was going and I associated some of it with being on those shows. Finishing school was important to me, but I kept dropping out to do a challenge. Why? So I could inevitably embarrass myself on tv again? So people could say awful things about me and I make some half-assed attempt to redeem myself, only to do it all over again? No thanks. I started to care less and less and started to see (some-not all) other cast members as pathetic, as it became obvious these shows define them and give them some false sense of self worth. Then I wondered if people perceived me that way. 

In my experience, on reality tv you have to develop a thick skin to handle the heavy criticism from your peers and even viewers. After 2 shows a year for a decade, I think I became hardened emotionally. My parents hated (the shows) and said I turned an experience into a lifestyle. They felt I was rewarded for bad behavior (drinking, fighting). Slowly, I did start to care and felt embarrassed over past shows and how I acted. I decided it was just time to move on from that chapter and to work hard for the lifestyle and reputation I ultimately wanted. I was turning 30 and frankly, it was time to grow up.

Q]: Who do you think is the next up and coming "Top Vet" on The Challenge?
A]: Top vet? I don't know. I DVR'd the last challenge but skimmed through most of it. I was bored because it's the same shit. Johnny Bananas screws someone over and wins? Shocking.

Q]: Which cast-mates do you still keep in touch with? 
A]: I keep up with several people via social media but not many in person. Steve, from my Road Rules made a visit last month to say hi and I'm a bridesmaid in Trishelle's wedding in March. I talk to her the most. I kept in close contact with Diem before she passed and I chat with Tori and Jillian from time to time about life and kids. I'm excited to see Adam (from my RR) at Trishelle's wedding though! Fortunately most of my friends from the shows have moved on in life too and are married, have children and successful careers. 

Q]: You mentioned that HGTV and Bravo were some of your new favorite networks. What are a few shows, from each network, that you enjoy? 
A]: Fixer Upper on HGTV and on Bravo I like Vanderpump Rules for all the ridiculous catty behavior (never said I stopped watching trashy tv! Haha) and Real Housewives of OC and Beverly Hills. But I like scripted tv too -This is Us, Timeless, The Affair, The OA...that is when I actually get time to watch tv!

Where to find Katie - on Social Media:
Twitter: KatieCooley26
Instagram: katiecooley26

Good Reads (& Good Wine)

Jonathan Livingston Seagull is an icon—a phenomenal bestseller celebrating the strength of the individual and the joy of finding one’s way.

"Blue Parachute is a light fragrant white wine, delicious chilled or over ice."
- Post Family Wine

#TBT - Trivia

#TBT - Today's kids will never understand...
The "Feeny Call". The Feeny Call is a call that Eric invented, in Boy Meets World, to either call Mr. Feeny out of his house for advice or congratulate him on something good. Boy Meets World is an American television sitcom (1993) that chronicles the coming-of-age events and everyday life-lessons of Cory Matthews. The show follows Cory and his friends and family through seven seasons, from his middle school days to his life in college as a married man. The show was cancelled in the year 2000. Recently, the Disney Channel created a series called "Girl Meets World", the story of Cory Matthews' daughter. It ran for 3 seasons. If you're a fan of Boy Meets World, I recommend you try out the Disney series!

Monday, February 6, 2017

In Other News (no.3)

It was the Patriots vs. the Falcons, in Super Bowl LI, this past Sunday! Who did you cheer on? We aren't big about the NFL (we tend to watch more college ball), but we usually always tune in to the Super Bowl, at least for the commercials and the half-time performance. I was a bit timid about watching the commercials, this year, though. Of course it had already been said, by the media, that companies would be pushing their political views, through the themes of their commercials - and they most definitely did. There were a few, however, that I really enjoyed:

The "Ragged Old Flag" pre-game short clip was by far the best, in my opinion! The short came together at the direction of Fox Sports president, Eric Shanks. The director, Jennifer Pransky, used a well-known Johnny Cash song, "Ragged Old Flag", to partially narrate the clip. For me, it symbolized what we have overcome as a nation and it put out a message of unity. Our flag represents our country, as well. Take notice to the clips of people burning it and damaging it, then listen closely to the words that follow. The fact that Eric Shanks gave up a few million dollars, in advertising commercials, to create this says a lot. Here is a link to some behind the scenes footage and a recording of the short-film.

Over the last decade, or so, we've seen Super Bowl half-time performers like Phil Collins, Aerosmith, Mary J. Blige, U2 (eye-roll), Janet Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Nelly, Paul McCartney, The Rolling Stones, Prince, Tom Petty, Black Eyed Peas, Bruno Mars, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Missy Elliot, and Coldplay. After last years' controversial performance, by Beyonce, it was nice to see that this year's performer (a left-wing artist) kept her political views subtle. Lady Gaga performed the National Anthem at last years' Super Bowl. It's no secret that she is Hilary fan. It's no secret that I am not. I am, however, a Gaga fan! Regarding her National Anthem performance, last year: If you ask me, I'd say that she rocked it - dressed in red sequins, with royal blue nail polish, she didn't miss a beat. So I had no arguments with her being this year's Super Bowl half-time performer. The left-wing is complaining that she didn't do enough to publicly bash President Trump, while she had a platform. The right-wing has argued that her reciting of "This Land Is Your Land" was in protest of the Immigration Ban. How people cherry pick things like that, I'll never understand. I didn't mind or see it that way. I saw an amazing singer recite "God Bless America", "This Land Is Your Land", and "The Pledge of Allegiance" before performing her own hits. No matter her political stance, that's one patriotic broad ! If that's something that you feel the need to complain over, no matter your political side - then you all need a saftey pin. She looked great, she didn't dance like a vulgar/sloppy Miley Cyrus, she actually sang the entire thing, and she didn't put on a controversial spectacle. I'll watch her perform any day!

In other news - We had a pretty nice weekend! Most Fridays, we are lazy - we have a "fun" dinner, we let Jude stay up later, and we watch a television show or movie together.  Of course that was the case, this past Friday, too. Friday evenings are our time to wind down and sometimes prepare for the busyness of Saturday and Sunday.

On Saturday we did our bi-weekly grocery trip, nothing too dramatic that I can recall (when you grocery shop at Walmart, that's saying something). Later that evening we attended the Eric Church #HoldinMyOwnTour concert, in Little Rock, with my younger brother and my cousin-in-law. It was an awesome show! We have been to a lot of concerts, in our day - Eric Church was one of the better performers, for sure. It's always nice when an artist sounds the same live as they do on the radio and to know that they aren't lip singing. We decided to leave just a little bit early, to fight the exit crowd, but he played for a total of four hours. It was great - his band and his backup singer were just as awesome. Great seats! Great show! Great company! The only thing that would've made it better... if the Verizon Arena wouldn't have cut off the beer, barely two hours into the four hour show. Some deals were made, that is for sure. We made a quick stop, before heading home, at one of the Capital's local watering holes - Willy D's - piano bar and small dance club. I'm always down for a good "sing-along" show, especially when one of the house singers puts on a beanie and raps Eminem's "Lose Yourself". Of course, we didn't make it out of there without witnessing a few fights - you know when a man takes his shirt off, it's about to get real.

My parents (often referred to as "Papa and Poppit") volunteered to watch Jude, overnight, while we were at the concert! Jude has a mind-clock, just like we do. It's not very often that we get to sleep in - so that was fabulous. Luckily, the weather was beautiful on Sunday and Jacob finished up some work for his side job - trimming greenery in Little Rock. I went to pick up Jude and had lunch with my family. Yet another great meal, prepared by my mom! This week it was a shrimp and chicken pasta with peppers, green beans, bread, and a coconut pie. The highlight: Carciofi (kahr/tchoh/fee - but we pronounce them kahr/tchoh/flee). These are stuffed artichokes and they are heavenly! I'll get my mother's recipe posted at a later date - but here is an online recipe, for anyone itching to try it.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Recipe - Blackberry Bread

I'm not the most active cook in our home. Jacob usually takes the cake on that one! I do cook and bake, sometimes, though. Every once in a while, I will come across a recipe on Pinterest that looks too good to pass up. They don't always turn out looking as pretty as the Pinterest photos, but 99% of the time they taste wonderful! Although, there was this one time where I attempted to make white bean and avocado burritos. For anyone thinking that it sounds like a quick and healthy meal, don't do it (it tastes like paste).

I found this blackberry bread recipe, though, and it turned out delicious! It was perfect, during the summer, when our blackberry bush was full of fresh berries. I was able to pick and make three loaves, before the pesky birds got to the berries. I've tried this same exact recipe, with fresh blueberries, and it tasted just as great.

1-1/2 cups of flour

1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of baking powder
1/8 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
1-1/2 cups of fresh berries
1 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of milk
1/2 cup of butter, melted
2 large eggs
1 tsp of lemon zest
2 tbsp of lemon juice


-Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
-In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, salt, baking powder and cinnamon.
Gently toss in the berries.
-In a different medium bowl, combine sugar and next 5 ingredients and mix until all combined.
-Add the sugar mixture to the berry mixture and gently stir until evenly blended.
-Pour into a greased loaf pan and bake for 1 hour and 10 minutes, or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.
-Cool on wire rack for 10 minutes still in the loaf pan, then remove it from the pan and let cool for about an hour.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Reality Television - The 411

There is "Reality TV" and then there is REALITY TV!
What exactly is Reality TV? Most people would say that they are television programs, in which real people are continuously filmed, designed to be entertaining rather than informative. In all honesty, that's the route that most of the Reality Television shows are headed - causing drama induced blank stares, just for the sake of ratings.  There are, of course, some informative styled ones too. Maybe I'm getting old? Or maybe I just appreciate the originals and better television! The old formats that all of these shows used, in the beginning, still work. I can handle big change, on some shows. I get it - production has to continuously adhere to the newer generation, in order to ensure new viewers... but the original viewers are still here, too! 

The classics, the pillars of Reality TV, those are the ones we watch religiously and the ones we are worried will conform to the new era of unimaginable twists, boring casts, and production induced controversies. The three complaints that I see most often are:
1. There are too many young people cast.
2. We don't want to see returning players; give someone else a chance.
3. The casts' ethnicity is not diverse enough.
You know the face you make when you are thinking to yourself, "Really?!" The face where your mouth is straight lined and your eyes are rolled so far back in your head that you can see your hair follicles? That's the face I make when I see people complain about the things, listed above. Of course, all these things have been the case since Reality TV began, over twenty years ago. The bigger social media gets, though, the more complaints we actually see - and in some shows' cases, we've seen the change and it's hurt their ratings with original viewers. 

We are already seeing it with Survivor (2000). Survivor started out as a show, where the goal was to "Outwit. Outplay. Outlast". They dropped them in some remote area and they were initially left to fend for themselves. Their shelters were bare and so were their stomachs. It's been numerous seasons since I've seen a discussion about how the rice and beans would be rationed! Survivor has given us some of the most notorious reality stars, including one of my very favorites - "Boston Rob". Over the last few seasons, though, I seem to be forgetting more and more of the so-called "dynamic players". They can't be that dynamic, if no one can remember them. This show, in particular, I have seen the most complaints about there not being enough "older people" cast. This last season's theme was conveniently titled , "Gen X vs. Millennials". Let me say this (which by the way I will still say when I am sixty years old): If you put a bunch of senior citizens on Survivor, you're going to need about 20 ambulances on stand-by. I realize that there are some older people out there who've "still got it" and if they're interested, they've submitted an application. Let's face it, though. The majority of our elders are going to get out there and either break a hip or die from undernourishment. When is the last time you actually saw one of the elder cast members get out in a physical competition and just kick ass? The problem is, most complaining people don't stop to think; just because they've aged with the show, doesn't mean the show's cast should age with you. When you were twenty years old, you had no problems watching a show that included mainly twenty year olds.  Personally, I don't want to watch shuffleboard immunity challenges - no thank you! 

This year, Big Brother (2000) became the first major cable reality show to move their season to online viewing (costing viewers $6/month). I didn't pay for it and I'm not sorry that I didn't. Big Brother is one of the few reality shows that still only airs, on cable, once a year! Every summer, we look forward to watching the June premiere. I'm somewhat of a spoilers buff - so we even stay up late and watch the free "After Dark" live feeds, for clues as to what may happen in the coming episode. A lot of viewers don't care to see returning house guests. I live for it! I could watch Dr. Will and Mike Boogie over and over - there will never be another alliance, in all of Reality TV, like "Chill Town". There is a reason that all of those alliances and house guests are still talked about, today. This last season, four past house guests were brought back - Thank God. If I had to sit through another season of the whole house voting together, every single eviction, I may have begun to boycott. What happened to the alliances? What happened to the sneakiness and making big game moves? In the words of  Rachel Reilly, "you better grab a life vest, floaters" - because that is what seems to be the plan for most new house guests. Snooze fest! That's not what viewers want to see - yet they also complain that they want new house guests. News Flash, these new players don't have the balls. For the first time, in four seasons, they finally brought back some old house guests and finally we got to see some action! It is a serious long time coming for a Big Brother All Stars season. I hope that one is in our near future.

It seems like every major channel now has some type of dating show - mimicking the original dating show, The Bachelor (2002). However, that's a show that I do not dabble in. From the reviews that I've read on this season's contestant, Corinne, I'm still thankful that I never got into this one.

Both Survivor and Big Brother are shows that I started watching, as a family, with my parents and siblings. Then there is the show that most 90's teenagers quietly watched, hoping their parents wouldn't notice - MTV's The Real World (1992) - "The true story of seven strangers picked to live in a house and have their lives taped. Find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real. The Real World..." Who cannot recite that intro?! Probably not most young millennials and definitely not the even newer generation - because beginning four seasons ago (after twenty eight seasons) they changed the intro to some sort of awful techno beat. It's gone from a show that mainly focused on getting to know the seven strangers, to a show mainly focused on fabricated drama - due to the stereotype casting that the liberal station produces. The intro is no more, no longer do they show the jobs of the house guests, and if they still take a vacation then I have yet to notice. They even did away with the show's logo! Yet, still, they're managing to produce some serious conflicts between the roommates - but that seems to be all that they're producing. They've listened to their viewers, asking for more a more diverse cast. They've cast more African Americans, yet put them in the houses with the biggest redneck's they could find - and during election season, at that. Coincidence? Unfortunately I think The Real World is slowly losing viewers, but maybe production can pull it from the grave in the following seasons.

With The Real World, comes MTV's The Challenge (1998) - a show where they combined members from The Real World casts with cast members from Road Rules (1995). Unfortunately, Road Rules is no longer a running show. This means that The Challenge is slowly losing its number of participants to choose from - and having to resort to picking from the Are You The One? (2014) pool, a show where 20 people are put in a house and try to find their "perfect match" in order to win some cash. The Challenge just happens to be my favorite Reality show, of all time. I'll save the full description and review for another day and another blog - I have lots to say about it, of course.

Moving on, to some other somewhat famous (and favorite) Reality shows...

Even some of the talent shows are trying out new and improved techniques, but those may actually be for the betterment of the contestants! American Idol (2002) was the first talent show that I can remember watching. The contestants were full of talent and the judges were pretty spot on about weeding out those who didn't have "it". Each year, the Top 12 were all different and diverse - and that was appreciated. The crown wasn't going to the same Britney Spears wanna-be, every season. In 2010, American Idol lost its most honest judge, Simon Cowell. From there, it was "bring in the mainstream". Unfortunately we got judges, like Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj, who were more focused on the in-house conflicts rather than the actual contestants. Let's just say it like it is - that season was a shit show. Year after year, they kept crowning a winner, but no singles were making it. Then there was Phillip Phillips, a southern boy, with a rock and roll rasp, and a comfy wardrobe. I think his season (season 11) made a lot of loyal viewers realize that American Idol had become more about raking in viewers with the mainstream look, rather than actually seeking out true talent. Phillip Phillips went on to win, but not without letting the world know how American Idol truly worked. How they dressed you up to "fit the part" and took more than their fair share of credit. Thus, The Voice (2011) was created - a show where the judges can't see the contestants, they can only hear your voice. After a few years of The Voice, American Idol finally stopped rolling.

"Praise the Lort" for shows like The Amazing Race (2001), TLC's Little People Big World (2006), HGTV's House Hunters (1999), and MasterChef (2010). All four of these shows still hold true to their original formats and  not surprisingly, they're all still big hits on television! The Amazing Race is still one of my favorites, as well - even to the point that I have applied several times (yes, I'm that woman). Travel the world, compete in culture-based tasks, and be with someone you're closest to? Count me in! Another Reality show that is near and dear to our heart, due to the little bit of red that we have in our necks - History Channel's Swamp People (2010). There is nothing better than some good ol' Southern accents and nature. That could be the reason we also took a liking to CMT's Party Down South (2014) and MTV's BuckWild (2013)... those are our types of people! RIP - Shaine Gandee

VH1 did have one long-running reality show, that I watched each season of (although I had to Google it to recall the title), The Surreal Life (2003). The Surreal Life was kind of like The Real World, but for washed up celebrities. From The Surreal Life, VH1 then used lots of previous cast members to create short-lived spin offs: Flavor of Love (2006), Rock of Love (2007), and I Love New York (2007) - all of which bit the dust after just a season or two, Did that really surprise anyone though? How long can you actually stand to watch Flavor Flave swing that clock around his neck or put up with Brett Michaels' eye liner?

Another breakout network, known for it's Reality TV shows, is BRAVO! They of course house The Real Housewives franchise (2006). The franchise began with Orange County and now runs seasons for New York, Atlanta, New Jersey, Beverly Hills, Potomac, and Dallas. Both Miami and DC were cancelled. If you don't watch The Real Housewives, you might be missing out on some laughter. Of course the show is nothing but a bunch of rich women and the stories of their lives - but some of the ladies' character just kills me. The Real Housewives has produced fourteen spin-offs, on Bravo. Some spin-offs were just one time deals. Others, like Vanderpump Rules (2013) and Don't be Tardy (2012), are still raking in the viewers! If you like the drama of The Real Housewives, then you'll love what Oxygen's Bad Girls Club (2006) brings to the screen. A group of self-proclaimed "bad girls" put in one house - cuss words, hands, and short dresses are sure to be thrown around often. I've actually applied for this show, more than once, and made it into the later application rounds. The questions that production asks you are "deep", you could say. That's not always the case for the women that they actually cast. I will have to get that application uploaded, for all that are curious, in the future!

Wrapping it up with a few more teenage-hood favorites, from MTV. 

One of MTV's longest running shows, True Life (1998), follows a particular topic each episode - such as drug addiction, homosexuality, or pursuing a specific career. Over the years I think they've slowly ran out of things to document. My husband and I were looking for something to watch, recently, and settled on True Life. The episode was titled "Being a Feeder", a phrase we has never heard of. For those of you who don't know, this seems to be an obsession, that obese women have, with being fed. It also documented a woman who recorded sexual videos, of herself farting, for those with an obsession. After a few blank stares and each of us asking "what in the actual hell is this?' - we changed the channel. Something a bit more mainstream: What teenage girl didn't watch Laguna Beach (2004) or The Hills (2006)? Both shows focused on the life of high school graduate, Lauren Conrad. If you watched the show, you know of the infamous reality couple, "Speidy", and anytime you hear the pronunciation of the name "Steven" prolonged, you cringe. They recently did the 10 year reunion for The Hills and needless to say, it made me feel old; as do all of the growing babies, from Teen Mom OG (2009) and Teen Mom 2 (2011). These two shows originated from the series 16 and Pregnant (2009), where underage teens and their pregnancy drama was documented for the world to see.

Clearly Reality TV is taking over the television world, slowly but surely. I don't mind it, as most of our regular cable television shows are getting more monotonous by the minute - but my message to productions is: Please don't ruin our pillars! Leave those for the die-hard fans and start something new for all of the whiny viewers. By now you should be able to tell that I am a nerd for Reality Television! January is off-season for most television shows. So if you're a fan of spoilers, like me (and just cannot wait) check out - those should hold you off until the premieres and blog reviews begin!

Monday, January 30, 2017

You Can't Cassh Me!

In telling this story, I'm formally admitting that I talk about stupid stuff way too often in front of my child. #MomLife

Jude: Cassh me ousside how bout dah
Me: (with a straight face) I'm going to "cassh you" in just a minute
Jude: You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man! (in the voice of the gingerbread man, from Shrek)
Me: (looks away and fails at trying to hold back laughter)

In Other News (no.2)

It was a week of Executive Orders! I find that it's much more informing when you do the research, yourself. As opposed to always reading the major headlines that the media puts out there. I've compiled a list of links that contain files of the actual orders:

Regarding Mexico City Policy (funding for overseas abortions) -
-Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Proctection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal -
Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals for High Priority Infrastructure Projects -

In other news - We took a family road trip, this weekend, to visit some friends in Jonesboro, AR.
Our close family friends, Parks & Nicole, moved there a little over a year ago. They recently bought a home there and it was our first time seeing it. As you get older and start your family, friends tend to come and go - these two have always been around! It's nice to be able to have some great friends that we can just visit and have a good time with. Not to mention, Jude adores them. He had a great time! They have a dog that is just about his size. I'm pretty sure, after we left, both Jude and the dog were ready for a nap.

What do you always take on road trips?
Prior to taking a road trip, I always make a list of things to bring. Some trips, I over pack and our car is too full. Other times, I'm less last minute and am able to whittle down the list. For this particular over night trip, we brought with us our overnight bag for clothes and toiletries, Jude's back pack full of his snacks and his pull-ups, Jude's favorite Razorback blanket, his bike, his travel box of cars, one book to read at bedtime, and his Disney Cars movie. I consider that to be light packing. Of course, we did have to stop, on the way, to get a bag of teriyaki beef jerky and a few drinks. But what's life without a little spontaneity? Haha.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

#TBT Trivia - Daria

#TBT TRIVIA - Today's kids will never understand...
MTV's animated series, "DARIA". Daria was originally broadcast from 1997 to 2002, and is a spin-off of Mike Judge's earlier animated Beavis and Butt-Head series, in which Daria appeared as a recurring character. The series focuses on Daria Morgendorffer, a smart and somewhat misanthropic teenage girl who observes the world around her - and her best friend, Jane Lane.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

What's Your Palette?

Some people suggest that I've missed my calling, that I should be some type of interior designer. I like the idea - due to the fact that I could spend a fortune in Hobby Lobby (on wall art, alone) and that I have so many friends and family members that ask my for my decorating advice! Of course that is always flattering, but it's also something that I truly enjoy doing. Becoming a licensed interior designer takes a lots of time, a lot of money, and a degree - something that I don't yet have. So for now, I'll settle on redecorating my own home, anytime I get a wild hair. I know that most of you must be thinking "constantly redecorating you home takes a lot of money too", but it doesn't have to! No, I didn't go out and buy all new decor. I did a lot of moving things around and I put my DIY skills to use. Did you all forget that I was a "domestic goddess"? Haha!

I am a huge neutral palette lover, but dark neutrals have become too gloomy for me and that is mainly what my home's walls consist of. Every few years, I seem to get sick of the decor around me and need change - it is that year! One of my New Year's Resolutions was to brighten up our home. There is a certain style that I have always loved... think Urban Outfitters (but cheaper) mixed with a little rustic charm. This is the year that I am going to make that look happen, slowly but surely! I am sticking with the neutrals, but going lighter, and I still want a pop of color in each and every room - but not in the usual way. I want all of the color to derive from our family photos, living greenery, and our book, movie, and record covers! I want it to seem fresh, but homey.

Here we go, a little bit at a time! First, I am tackling our living room and our kitchen - both of which have dark brown walls. Before I started, there were dark browns everywhere - with turquoise as an accent color. Our wood floors and our living room sectional are both deep espresso, in color. I plan to lighten it up, by going light "greige" on the walls and lighter neutral shades of decor. For those of you who haven't heard of the new popular color, it's basically a mixture of grey and beige. Think driftwood! Typical, right? Yes, but I'm in love with it.

Things I Purchased (recently - for the redo):
  • Spray Paint - a DIYer's best friend. Usually I purchase spray paint from Home Depot (each can is around five dollars). Hobby Lobby sells spray paint, as well, and is sometimes cheaper on certain sale days. I purchased three different shades of tan and used them on my current decor: frames, wooden accent chairs, flower pots, sconces, etc. I chose to go with matte finishes, but there are glosses for those who like to shine. If you want a distressed look, have some sandpaper on hand and use it to scuff the edges and corners. 
  • Fabric - Recovering cushions is one of the best (and cheapest) ways to refurbish and renew a piece of furniture. It's also super easy, as long as you have a staple gun! We have an antique piano that is the focal point of our living room. I bought one yard of fabric, for six dollars (with a printable 40% off coupon), at Hobby Lobby. The piano is also a dark espresso color, so I chose a creme based fabric with a tan trellis print. 
  • Light Strands - After Christmas is always the best time to find great deals on all types of light strands! I picked up two strands, with large clear bulbs, at Walmart for seven dollars each. Another new trend that I've noticed is copper strands with the miniature LED lights attached - they give more lighting and the wire is completely unnoticeable. I found these, on sale for five dollars each, at Bed Bath & Beyond. I had my husband place a corner hook, in our ceiling, above his record player stand. I was able to wrap the miniature lights around the wires of the larger strand of bulbs, and then draped them beneath the corner.  
  • Wooden Stands - These were our two most expensive purchases, for our living room redo. We've had the same, cheap, vinyl television stand for about six years. Our actual television grew in size a few years ago, so we figured it was finally time to upgrade! It is simple, but real wood and sturdy - we ordered it, online, from Walmart. We purchased it, for $125 dollars, after Christmas and it was 25% off. The second piece of furniture that we purchased was a stand for my husband's record player. We sort of made our own! Target was having a storage sale, so we bought a 2-cube storage shelf that was similar to our new TV stand, in color. We also purchased two sets of wheels that we were able to attach (by drill) to the bottom of the shelf! So now my husband can easily move his record player, around the house, whenever we have company. In total, it cost us forty dollars to create.
  • Knobs/Pulls - This is actually something that I purchased a few years ago and just now put to use. Why it took this long, I'll never know! I've previously bought decorative knobs and pulls from Hobby Lobby, when they are 50% off. Individually, they are still pricey if you're trying to redo a whole set of kitchen cabinets. We found an entire set, at Home Depot, for around twenty dollars. I'm pretty positive that our previous knobs were from when our home was originally built, in the 1960's. They're still gorgeous, but rusted and some had broken apart. Our cabinets are a creme color, so we chose a very dark finish for the hardware - but that were also edged with a light copper finish (to coincide with my new copper mule mugs, that I've proudly displayed above our pub table).
  • House Plants & Pottery - Here comes the color! I have no knack for Herbology (for my "Potter Heads" out there), but have a serious love for plants. My husband is the one with the green thumb. Hopefully, I can keep these alive - but thank goodness that artificial plants these days look more realistic, just in case! We bought two groupings of succulents, at Home Depot. Both came in super cute pots and were only five dollars each. My husband picked out a Spider Plant and some Devil's Ivy, both are short in height and need little tending too. We also went with a taller, tree type houseplant (don't ask me the name - sadly, the tag got thrown away). Each of those cost $10-$12 dollars, each. 

Now for the "Thrify" Goods:
  • Sconces & Frames - Two words (spray paint).
  • Wall Art - I love to move things around when I am redecorating! I am still looking to keep some color, when I begin to redecorate our bedroom. I moved all of our turquoise decor into our master bedroom - and brought all of the neutral decor out into the living room. I took everything off the walls and redesigned how I wanted each thing to be placed. I moved around some of our wall shelves and some larger window pane photo frames. I also brought out a white wire birdcage, that has a flat back and hangs on the wall, from our bedroom and put it in the living room.
  • Shelves - Another DIY favorite item, pallets. My husband works in the lawn care business, so pallets are abundant! Last spring, we painted and distressed a larger sized one. It was then placed above the piano - on it are photo frames, a large wooden/burlap "Y", candles, succulents, etc. We used another pallet and cut it into pieces, making two wall shelves to place record albums in. Super easy to paint and hang on walls! I added some burlap trim to give them some visible texture.
  • Baskets - I know that everyone has some type of basket laying around the house. I move them around and refill them, frequently! I had several, for Jude's changing table, when he was smaller. Now they are being used in random places, for different things. I wanted Jude to be able to have easy access to some of his favorite toys, in the living room - so in the baskets they go! Now they're easily hidden and the baskets are super cute. I also have a few wire baskets, , that were once used in my bathroom, placed under my TV stand to house books. 
  • Curtains - We have an older house, with very large living room windows. I have the same type of curtains in our living room, our bedroom, and in our son's bedroom. They're sheer and simple, but each different lengths. I wanted floor length ones in our living room, so I simply switched our living room ones with the curtains from our son's room! Gave them a good washing and "ta-da". 
  • Bench Seating - We initially bought a small 3-cube storage bench for our hallway, the space was so empty. I decided to bring the bench out into the living room, to create more seating and storage. I replaced it, in the hallway, with a small couch table that we were using in the living room (in between accent chairs).

Sometimes you can create some of the best looks, with stuff that you already have in your home - things may have eventually been thrown out or maybe you just want to de-clutter. That is what I have done, with our kitchen pub table. The copper mule mugs were a Christmas gift, from my Mom. Everything else on the table were things that I had used prior, for parties that we hosted, or items that I snatched off of the piano (trying to create space).

I'm a slow mover, when it comes to redecorating. I hate settling for a look - I want it to be perfect - but it doesn't have to be expensive to be perfect (or to even look expensive)! Pinterest is always a huge help, if you're looking for other decorating hacks. It is definitely my "go to", in the world of DIY decor.  Hopefully this blog has given you some tips too - I'll be posting more of my favorite decor dos, as I go!